Saturday 10 July 2010

Reason for blog

I am writing this blog so that I remember things! Just thoughts from the day, or any past events that I would like to jot down and remember. Think it may be good for me to process my thoughts a bit more, give them to God more and also just write about anything, might be good!

Went to the Tate Modern today with James and Netta. Just hung out on the southbank, chatted and ate many sugary things (Fraps and Ice cream). James had just had his laser eye surgery so was a little bloodshot, but was great to see them both, just spend some time together as I value them a lot as friends.

Been a strange evening, not felt settled. Plan to truly strive to focus on God tomorrow even though I'm on sound. So many things in my head right now, but I don't think any of them really matter. My situation is a lot better than most, really I want to help others, but seem to be constrained by myself at the moment.